Discipleship Path


    Join us on a Sunday Morning as we gather together to learn more about God, connect with great people and worship as we feel ready. At Limitless we believe we are called to believe in Jesus by faith and to know Him with both our mind and heart. God is at work all around you, learn how to tune in to what He is doing and saying!


    We would love for you to become a part of our Limitless family! There are plenty of ways to connect with us. On Sundays, come early or stay late and grab something from the Cafe... join one of our weekly Life Groups or sign up to attend events or courses! Every other month we have "Engage" lunches so you can meet our leaders and learn more about the church. See our events page.


    No matter where you are on the journey we can help you to take the steps you want, in order to know Jesus more! Growth courses are offered at various times during the year and are all relevant to our every days lives! This is one of the ways we explore God’s Word and grow in faith.


    We have a high value for making a difference in the world. We believe God has given us a huge vision to see our community completely transformed by the love of Jesus! We support many missions and outreaches in the US and internationally. Join us for a few hours of service, one-day projects or longer mission trips! These are some of the ways we expand God’s kingdom.