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Grief Recovery Certification

The Grief Recovery workshop intensive is 2.5 days, from the morning of January 26 to the afternoon January 28. 

The cost is $250. Sandi’s workshops through the Grief Recovery Institute or through her private practice are $595, so this is an amazing price, exclusive for Limitless! 

The certification training is 4 days all day January 26-29. 

Sandi is able to get us a discount for a private training at $1,795 per person (the current price for a public training is $2,295 per person - A Limitless Discount will automatically be applied to your registration). 

Couples get a further discount and pay $1,595 per person. 


This training certifies individuals as Grief Recovery Specialists. They are then able to run 8 week groups or work with people individually (in person). You would first do a pilot and have support from the Institute. 

The certification also includes special section on helping children grieve. 

You would be able to run these courses for free or charge whatever rate you choose. Aside from a $79 per year licensing fee there are no other monies paid to the Grief Recovery Institute.

 The certification comes with continued support from the Grief Recovery Institute and Sandi is willing to do follow up support meetings and check ins.  

Note: There is an additional Certification (Advanced Certification) that allows people to do Grief Recovery online (and provides additional training). Sandi is also the Advanced Trainer for the Institute so we could do a private advanced training in the future also. 

Limitless will be providing the space, the honorarium for the trainer and will cover the base fee with the institute. We ask in return that you volunteer once per year to run a Grief Recovery group or do one on one counseling. We are also hoping to offer additional scholarships. Please let us know if you are in need of that! 

January 21

Worship Interest Meeting

February 4

Annual Meeting